“The body cannot be in both growth and protection at the same time.”

Dr. Bruce Lipton phD

What if your body was just trying to keep you safe? While we know this does not take away the pain of current and past struggles with fertility, we are hopeful you will choose to seek nervous system chiropractic care to prepare your body to conceive in the future. Chronic stress and a nervous system stuck on the GAS pedal are to blame for many of the conditions such as PCOS, Endometriosis, other hormonal imbalances, and various fertility obstacles.

What we are passionate about is helping women conceive NATURALLY and drug free. Modern fertility technologies are forcing a stressed body to conceive- altering nature in a way that is starting babies off on a highly toxic, highly stressed environment. The good news is that IVF, Napro, surgeries, and synthetic hormones are not your only option!

Your body know exactly what to do. We are going to help get out of the way to give your body space to do its thing!

The first step to restoring fertility is restoring optimal neurological function. Our scans look deeper to determine the cause and imbalances leading to dysfunction in the body. Often times, the scans show depleted reserves (low energy) and chronic Fight or flight states causing the mother and sometimes the father to remain in stress mode 24/7. This will shut down hormone function, slow nourishment to the uterus and reproductive organs, and disconnect the brain/body.

See this momma’s scan. The little white dot shows that this momma’s nervous system is quite exhausted, depleted, and doesn’t have a lot of gas to do the basic internal functions. She is also residing on the left side of the middle line meaning that her stressors are affecting her body’s neurological balance and weakening her brake pedal.

Fertility challenges, Pcos, thyroid issues, gut dysfunction, blood sugard dysregulation, and adrenal exhaustion…These are all based in neurological dysfunction first!