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Transform Chiropractic Wellness Center Success Stories

Gracie – 2 years old


2 Year old Gracie came to us because her mom and dad were concerned about her gross motor skills, sensory issues, and troubles with touch and textures. Gracie would go into a full breakdown, screaming and crying, if anyone outside of mom and dad tried to touch or look at her. It was hard for Gracie’s parents to even go to family gatherings, church, or the grocery store. Gracie had started life with an extremely tough birth that ended in a vacuum extraction, putting lots of extra tension and stress on her sensitive upper neck where the nerves that help to calm and regulate her body lived. Gracie’s parents noticed early on that Gracie was exhibiting classic colic symptoms as well, but were consistently told that she would “grow out of it.” They tried different methods of desensitizing, saw the pediatrician multiple times, and even tried other forms of chiropractic care without success. When they saw Gracie’s first nervous system scans, Gracie’s parents were shocked, but felt so validated in finally understanding why she was stuck in fight or flight her entire life. They realized chiropractic was working when Gracie started to become more social with other kids and family. She also had improvements in constipation and digestive function. After a few months of care, we saw basically a 180 from the kid we originally brought in and after a few more months, Gracie started to get super excited about coming to the chiropractor. Today I can take my child to the park, the store, big family gatherings, church, and know she will be happy. She won’t be scared or holding on to me for dear life the whole time. My child has become a happy social butterfly, who loves to wave, say Hi and loves play with kids her age. She is thriving and loving life!


A Pediatric Nurse

Prior to starting care at Transform Chiropractic Wellness Center, I had really painful menstrual cycles with severe PMS symptoms. I used to take high dose ibuprofen around the clock for the first several days of my cycle and still had to miss activities and life events due to discomfort. I also struggled with racing thoughts and anxiety. I felt exhausted, discouraged and started to accept the lie that this was just the way I was made and that this was my “normal”. I tried many elimination diets, work ups for endometriosis, other forms of chiropractic, trainers, nutritionists, supplements, medications, therapy and any other coping tools I could get my hands on. When I started at Transform, I noted how the Transform team listens to what you and your body are telling her. Each adjustment is different and specific. Transform adjustments feel more like going to a spa day than being beat up and cracked like I was used to with other chiropractors. My body relaxes and is happy to be at TCWC whereas in previous experiences with chiropractic it was bracing for pain or injury and I had to consciously tell myself to relax and try to trust the process. I noticed my body starting to relax and calming down. I had less racing thoughts, more moments of peace and tools to calm in the midst of a storm. My resilience began to increase. When I saw my scans, I wasn’t surprised at all. I knew in my heart that my body wasn’t communicating well with itself. I noticed that my PMS symptoms dramatically decreased. I no longer need medications while on my cycle. I would rarely identify as having anxiety or racing thoughts. My gut seems to be working well and overall my body seems to be functioning at a higher level with less injury and decreased reactions to stressors. Today I have Less stress, more freedom, more connection with myself and my needs thanks to chiropractic care. I have increased resiliency and ability to identify what my body is telling me that it needs in different seasons. I look forward to going to the chiropractor and always leave feeling peaceful and so much better. The chiropractor used to be something I was terrified of- now it’s one of my safe spaces.


Active Army

My lower back/torso pain was so severe at times that I couldn’t do simple tasks that involved carrying light weight in a functional manner (i.e. bending slightly to lift my children into their car seat). On good days, I experienced low/moderate pain (2-3 out of 10 on good days) and generally lacked any sort of strength or explosiveness. On the worst of days, I would experience spasms that inhibited my ability to walk or move with regularity – and simple things like walking up stairs couldn’t happen for me without another person physically assisting me. Long ago when the first injury occurred in which I aggravated my lower back/torso, I went through a few months of light but focused physical therapy. Otherwise, I utilized three different chiropractors over the course of 10 years. No change. My scans were actually far more positive than either myself or Dr. Steph anticipated, which gave me hope that this was something that I could legitimately and wholistically work through and get meaningfully corrected. Within the first two weeks, my ability to move without pain was a positive indicator that I was on the right track. A couple months into working with Dr. Steph, I had another episode of spasms, but recovered within a week (back to the level of improvement I had realized before my episode). This was by-far my most efficient recovery from spasms in many years. I have experienced improvement that I simply did not believe was possible. In experiencing this improvement physically, I have also realized the need to approach health holistically – taking into account physical, psychological, and spiritual components of health and better understanding around how environment, nutrition/diet, and general lifestyle choices impact our health in a holistic manner.


Work from home mom (fertility/hormones)

I had struggled with my hormones and irregular cycles my entire life. That made for issues with infertility and reoccurring miscarriages. It felt like I was finding so many conflicting approaches on how to heal hormone issues. It became exhausting being the only one truly being invested in my own healing. I have tried multiple supplements and diet approaches. As well as seeing other chiropractors and functional health practitioners. When Dr Steph explained my scans I felt some relief that I may finally have some answers. Also confidence in her to know exactly how to help me. After the first month my cycle was already improving! And after only 2 months of treatment I found out I was pregnant with our miracle baby. Giving all glory to Lord and so thankful He’s blessed Dr Steph with this gift of healing. This success has brought much joy and restoration. Im so thankful to Dr Steph for her confidence and determination to help me heal and get to where I wanted to be. She is the first professional that has promised to stick with me until things began working for me. I could never repay her but I am so very grateful!

Cadrian T

Crohn’s diagnosis and back pain

I am an active person who has always enjoyed sports, working out & trying new things. I had experienced two rather serious car accidents a few years ago and had some pelvic trauma from ice skating. I also was previously had been diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. I spent a lot of my college years stressed out, overwhelmed, and sick. My doctors had me try many different drug options to try to relieve my Crohns but always felt bad side effects, tired, and discouraged. I was tired, fatigued, uncomfortable and stressed out. It was discouraging feeling like my body and mind was against me. I was surprised by my nervous system scans! I never knew we could measure our bodies in that way but it made since. Having been through two scans, it was amazing to see the improvement and also see how the body changes/ handles different seasons of life. After the first few sessions! I felt so much more in-tune and connected with my body. Being an active person, it’s easy to push your body through uncomfort but it was amazing to learn that it doesn’t have to be that way. I sleep better and have more energy. I feel, for the first time in a while, that my body and I are on the same team. I successfully trained for a half marathon and ran it successfully, injury free! I feel informed to make proper decisions for myself and advocate for my own health because I have seen now, firsthand how capable my body is of healing and thriving.

Lindsey B

Stiffness and lack of mobility in neck, hips, knees, CEO of Nourish Move Love

I was continually doing 15-30 mins of mobility every morning/evening and not making any progress…feeling really defeated and more scared of injury than anything considering the nature of my work. Before chiropractic care at TCWC, I was doing Mobility/foam rolling on my own, a little PT from previous knee injury, dry needling of low back and hips. Nothing seemed to give so I reached out and was super impressed with your knowledge base and how each treatment was a little bit different — everywhere else I went it was the same stretches/exercises/approach each time.
After getting my scans done, I figured I had some pain points that would show up…honestly I love that there’s room for improvement in my scans and I want to work hard to improve my scores and ultimately feel my best. Honestly after the first 2 visits I felt so exhausted so I knew my body was working through something…but it was about 6 visits or so in that I started to feel a difference in my neck and hips. Even just a few weeks into care, I was able to cut my morning/evening mobility routine down to a much more manageable 10 mins to get my body moving and feeling good.


Mom of 6, Pregnancy Testimonial

I physically was struggling with hip pain and neck pain that was residual from having meningitis at 23 weeks pregnant. My baby was at risk needing to be delivered by emergency c-section due to being in distress from my low blood pressure. She was monitored 2 times daily for 2 weeks. At about 30 weeks gestation baby girl was breech. I also had cholestasis, which affected my bile salt level in my liver. I had a lot of pain just walking due to the hip pain. Due to possible risks of premature labor I had weekly ultrasounds and non-stress tests. I thought that I would have another early induction at 37 weeks due to these issues, so my goal was really just to make it to that point and hopefully my bile salt levels would stay low enough that I could go a little longer. I felt pretty helpless about what I could do to have anything go different.

After a few weeks of care, My hip was feeling better and moving with less pain. Baby girl flipped head down after one adjustment!! And my bile salt levels dropped significantly so that I could not need to be induced! I think I knew it was working after the first couple adjustments. My neck pain and movement was significantly better after being in the hospital for two weeks! I’ve also noticed that I have had great physical recovery postpartum. I don’t have the same back pain I typically have after birth and I am healing much easier. My baby has also had major improvements from previous kiddos, She seems much calmer, good digestion, and I did not know it was possible, but she has an amazing, pain free latch after the first adjustment! TCWC gave me a lot of hope for healing when we have been going through some really hard seasons as a family. To feel hopeful for change and then see it first hand is just a gift for us!


Colic/stressed baby

He came out extremely tense and just looked uncomfortable. He was lifting his head up right away and even rolled over very early because of tension not strength. He wouldn’t relax his hands from up by his face. He would rarely turn his head to one side. He had a poor latch due to a tongue tie which caused a lot of pain on me. He also struggled with a bit up constipation. The long labor really took a toll on him and overall he just felt as tense as a board. We tried nothing else, just went straight to the doctors at TCWC. We were not surprised by seeing his scans as he was visibly tense and uncomfortable. Even after the first adjustment, my husband and I both noticed an extreme release of tension. He just began to relax. He started to latch better, sleep better, and be more content on his own. He even started to relax in the car (He hated the car). In the beginning, he would cry through adjustments because of all the tension and stress he was experiencing and now he smiles and has even fallen asleep during them several times. He is doing so great! He sleeps good, eats good, is way less tense, turns his head both ways, latches way better, poops like a champ, and overall feels like a baby instead of a board! I couldn’t be happier with the decision to start chiropractic care!


Thyroid and hormonal issues

I was dealing with Constant fatigue, Hosimotos and symptoms that come with that and high antibodies. Anxiety and stress, sleep issues. I have been to many doctors with many labs drawn but left with little answers or help in what direction to go that is best for my body and my health needs. This added stress to my day to day life with not feeling like I am at my best. I have seen different Doctors and have sone a lot of my own research but all of that left me feeling very alone in my journey for healing.

At Transform Chiropractic Wellness Center I have not only felt better physically, I have also felt very supported and encouraged (physically, mentally and spiritually). After seeing my scans, I felt very validated as most of my issues were explained by the scans and helped me understand why I was feeling the way I felt. After a few months of working with Dr Steph I began to feel my energy rising and my sleep increasing, I felt like I had more mental clarity and looked forward to my weekly appointments as I knew these things would follow after my adjustments and time spent with Dr. Steph. I knew I felt better but when I saw my labs at my latest Dr appointment and saw my Thyroid Antibodies went from 600+ to in the 200’s, I knew chiropractic care was working for me! My body’s ability to handle stress is different, I feel deeper sleep and more energy. I find that I can focus more on longer tasks that I haven’t been able to in the past. I just feel good!

Thomas L

Colic/stressed baby

We had a long and difficult birth. He was in a bad position and was twisting and turning as he made his way out. His arms were tangled and that made for a lot of tension in his body in general. We were struggling with a painful latch and a very fussy baby. We had been in care all throughout pregnancy with Dr Steph so we knew we’d continue with her for Thomas. She came to see him at just 4 days old and man what a blessing that was! Beginning care so early. I have been to a handful of different chiropractors and no one has assessed and adjusted like Dr Steph. With the intention and care for the nervous system. She speaks and treats differently and it puts her in a class of her own. It actually works! I felt terrible that he was under so much stress. But i had faith that with chiro care he could improve. Slowly but surely over the first few weeks of Thomas’s life we saw improvements. We could latch with no pain! He was crying less and seemed overall more relaxed. He is becoming happy baby! Thomas is becoming the happy and bright eyed baby we knew he would be. With Dr Steph’s help his personally is shining through. We’re so grateful for her care. I wish everyone could see her!


Wellness pregnancy – 4th baby

I was in the middle of my 4th pregnancy when I found Transform Chiropractic Wellness Center. I was hoping to receive a few adjustments just to help stay balanced and make for an easier delivery. I was having pretty consistent hip and leg pain. I chalked it up to it all being part of what comes with pregnancy and was ready to just bare it until I delivered my baby. I was also dealing with the stress of raising 3 babies, growing a 4th and trying to keep up with life in general. Stress levels were high and I physically felt strong and healthy but uncomfortable. I was so grateful to have Dr. Steph walk with me through this pregnancy. She helped me identify my needs, gave validity to what I was feeling and helped me to understand what my body was doing and what we could do to help it. The difference of your care is that you look at the whole person. We talked about my history and how that could be affecting things. We looked at my diet and exercise routines and made adjustments there where we could. We talked about emotional and mental health and where and when to get support. And I’m the midst of all that we did regular adjustments that relieves stress throughout my body and mind and helped me to be more comfortable than I thought possible throughout my entire pregnancy. I found the neurological scans fascinating. I was so grateful for a concrete and visual look into what was going on inside me. The scans offered a perfect tool for me to understand what was going on and how we could address any issues. I was especially grateful for the was Dr. Steph walked me through each scan and helped me gain a better understanding of what we could do (adjustments, diets, exercise, etc) to address certain areas and why. I really felt empowered. I had a dream delivery of my 4th baby girl and feel healthy and strong. I am grateful for how my experience at Transform Chiropractic Wellness Center has equipped me for this next season of motherhood.

Transform Chiropractic Wellness Center Success Stories | (651) 252-1912